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Charles’ story: I made huge progress physically and psychologically

There is considerable evidence that a person’s general health including their psychological health can affect their outcome after orthopaedic surgery. Charles’ story here describes the importance of addressing these psychological barriers to […]


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Denis’ story – “How changing my beliefs about my back pain made me pain free”

I was a very active person and hardly ever experienced back pain until I was told I  prolapsed a disc some years ago. This marked the start of a long […]


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Ally’s story: “My life was busy, it was hectic and it was very stressful”

Ally slipped and fell one day on the stairs and experienced severe pain in her sacral area. In the following months, her pain spiralled out of control and this affected […]


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Mary’s story: “I didn’t think i would have this quality of life again”

Mary had pain for several years, and it gradually became more widespread. Her pain became more severe over time and she experienced a lot of fatigue. She was diagnosed with […]


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Martin’s story and interview with Prof Peter O’Sullivan: “I felt broken, i felt weak, i had no quality of life”

Martin developed severe low back pain after an injury playing sport. Over the next 4 months his pain became more severe, limiting his ability to function across all aspects of […]