
I was holding a lot of tension

Julie has a busy working life as an optometrist and family life, with 3 children. Julie works long days, and after one especially long day, the following morning she was driving to golf and found she couldn’t move her neck, it had “locked up”. She also had pain spreading down her arm. Julie had some “wear […]


Pain Toolkit interview with Kieran O’Sullivan

An interview with Pete Moore of The Pain Toolkit and Pain-Ed’s Kieran O’Sullivan on the topic of pain management and self-management    

My Experience with Pain: A Physiotherapy Student’s Perspective

I’m writing this piece to share my story not only as a physiotherapy student who has started to treat patients with persistent pain, but also as an individual having experienced several years of chronic pain in the past. My hope is that my own unique story will provide insight to both physiotherapists and patients alike. […]


You’re the driver, the only person that is going to make yourself better is yourself

“Hi, I’m Shaun I’m 22 years of age. I used to be an auto-electrician. Now I’m an estimator/mechanical planner. I hurt my lower back a year and a half ago. I had an end plate fracture of L2/3. In my experience, it caused me a lot of pain and my left side to lock up.” […]

Living with burns and back pain

Persistent Annoying Incurable Nerve-racking. The perfect description given to describe pain from a burns survivor with chronic back troubles. Dating way back to 1997, I never imagined life would pan out the way it has. At the age of 3, I suffered full thickness and partial thickness flame burns to 32% of my body. This […]