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What underlies fear of movement in people with chronic low back pain?

People with low back pain and high fear have been shown to experience more severe, persistent and disabling pain than those with low fear, making fear a key target for […]


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Can we reduce the use of imaging for low-back pain?

Guidelines for the treatment of low back pain advise against routinely referring patients for imaging. However, in the past two decades the number of patients referred for imaging continues to […]


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An update of stabilisation exercises for low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis

A commonly believed, yet widely disputed, explanation for the development and maintenance of low back pain (LBP) is dysfunction with the activation of certain trunk stabilisation muscles. Consequently, one of […]


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Pain and Injury in Dancers

Dancers report a high level of pain and/or injury. While research in non-dance populations has shown that pain involves not just physical (e.g. strength) and anatomical (e.g. tissue sprain) factors, […]


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Patients think the back is “Easy to Harm, Hard to Heal”

People who have back pain may view their back negatively and consequently focus on information which confirms their negative beliefs. In this qualitative study by Ben Darlow and colleagues from the […]